This Meet was held in Santa Maria, California. This provided with a leisurely drive from Victoria along the Hwy 101, with overnight stays in Astoria, Oregon, North Bend, Oregon, Arcata, California, Santa Rosa, California then along Hwy 1 and 128 to arrive at the host hotel (The Historic Santa Maria Inn). For 4 days and nights we enjoyed all the events at Mini Meet West 2023 Our attending members represented our Club very well, taking home several awards received at the Awards Banquet on the final night. Next day, we commenced our return journey along Hwy 395 staying overnight in Lone Pine, California, and Reno, Nevada. We continued our journey via Hwy 31 and Hwy 97 for overnight stays in Bend, Oregon and Leavenworth, Washington. From there on our final day, we took Hwy 2, and the I5 through the Blaine Border crossing. Having got through that, we took Hwy 99 North and Hwy17 via the BC Ferry home to Victoria. The return journey saw temperatures up to 43 degrees Celsius. We enjoyed several scenic stops and wonders of nature throughout the journey of over 4000 kms. Below is a sampling: