Stay tuned!
Poker Run Results
We had seven cars participate with 21 poker hands purchased for the Shawnigan lake Poker Run. Although the rain tried to dampen the fun I believe we are had a good day capped off with a great dinner at the Four Mile Pub. Congratulations to Alan for the best hand and Duane for second best hand.
- Darn humans playing poker again when we could be out driving
- The Poker Players
- Goldstream Pit Stop for Card #2
- enee menee minee moe
- 4’th from the front i think is a winner
- Richard! Don’t open the envelope until the end!!
- which one Janson?
- slip me a $10 and I’ll give you a pair
- Merville says “If I don’t look ill grab a winner of a card!!!”.
- First Place
- Second Place
- winning hands
- Opening our cards
- Great views looking forward and back
- Goldstream Pit Stop for Card #2
This year the ABFM at Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver had 527 cars, and the weather held with overcast sky, followed by sunshine! The Minis/MINI count was a little lower this year, but some pretty nice ones showed up. From our club, Merville and Doug were on show with their new MINI and I took over the Mini GTM Coupe. We reconnected with old friends from the Vancouver Mini Club and the Seattle Area Mini Owners club. Overall it was a great show!
More pics here :