New Years Day Burn

What better way to start the year 2020 than with an array of  vintage cars and vintage substitutes gleaming under the bright sun.  The MG Club graciously extended us an invitation to join them and several of our members responded to make it a very successful drive.  We had a joyful drive around the Saanich Peninsula starting at Cattle Point where a brisk wind reminded us that it was not July on the Island.  We took a leisurely drive along the Eastern roads until we crossed the Pat Bay Highway (Hwy 17) to join up with the rest of the cavalcade .  From here we continued up the secondary roads past wonderful vistas and smiling faces that greeted us all along our route until we ended the drive at the Waddling Dog off the Pat Bay Highway for a wonderful lunch and chit chat with our MG Club hosts.  Many thanks to Stu and Derrick of the MG Club for arranging this drive.  we will be having more events in the future and hope to see you there.
Happy New Year!