Sunday Drive around the Saanich Peninsula

Hi everyone,

It was a great Sunday drive around the Saanich Peninsula on a fantastic sunny and warm day.  A mighty contingent of Minis, MINIS and Mini substitutes were given the thumbs up by many folks as we rolled along on the less traveled roads where we like to spend our time.  Bengt-Olov Andersson (BOA), a Mini enthusiast all the way from Sweden rode with Krista and had a wonderful time.  At one of the stops, BOA provided the members with fun stories and items from his club (Mini Seven Club Sweden ) one of the oldest Mini Clubs in existence.  Terry tested his band of travelers by having them do a U-turn on each leg of the route he had chosen.  Afterwards, all enjoyed an excellent meal and gracious hospitality at the Spitfire Grill (9681 Willingdon Rd, Sidney by the airport).  I would like to thank everyone that was able to make it and hope to see all of you again on the next drive.

Don’t forget the OECC Restoration and Swap Meet at Heritage Acres off Hwy 17 (Pat Bay Hwy) on 6 May 2018 commencing parking at 8 – 10:00 AM and public from 10AM-3PM.  Cost per person is $4.00 with proceeds supporting ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) Society.

Keep on Mini-ing!​

Hello Spring!

We will be getting together on Sunday 15 April 2018 at 1 pm for a meeting.

We will meet in the Coffee Bistro on the 2nd floor in the View Royal Quality Foods on the Helmcken Rd Exit towards the Hospital

Address: 100-27 Helmcken Rd Victoria BC V8Z 5G7.


Drive 22 April 2018 1:30 pm –  There will be a drive on Sunday 22 April 2018 Starting at 1:30 pm meeting at the Beaver Lake Filter Beds Parking Lot.  This drive will take about 1.5 hrs and perhaps we will have a beverage and food afterwards for those that are interested.

Terry (aka Da Prez!)